A sakkozók 50% kedvezménnyel látogathatják a verseny ideje alatt a gyulai Várfürdőt. During the tournament, chess players can visit the Várfürdő in Gyula with a 50% discount.4th Csomos Janos Memorial A group 2025.05.21-25 Gyula Ultima actualizare20.01.2025 19:54:01, Creator/Last Upload: Somogyi Gabor
Selectia turneului | group A, group B |
Selectia parametrilor | Arata detaliile turneului, Arata steagurile
, Link la calendarul de turnee |
Sinteza echipei | HUN, ROU |
Liste | Lista de start, Lista alfabetica a jucatorilor, Statistici per tara, partide, titluri, Alphabetical list all groups, Programul de joc |
Download Files | 2025. versenykiírás.pdf, english version 2025.pdf |
Excel si print | Exporta in format Excel (.xlsx), Exporta in format PDF, QR-Codes |